For people who have this strange habit of sleeping too many hours will make you sleepy affecting your life next day.
This app is unique as in besides setting the alarm time, you will also set the maximum hours to sleep. So every night, before sleeping, you will tap on the app widget to let the alarm re-calculate when should the alarm rings. The app alarm will not be scheduled beyond the alarm time you have set.
You set alarm time at 0700 and maximum sleep hours as 8.
If you tap widget at 2300 the night before you sleep, the app alarm will ring at 0700.
If you tap the widget at 2200 the night before you sleep, the app alarm will ring at 0600 instead as you set the maximum sleep hour to 8.
If you tap the widget at 2330 the night before you sleep, the app alarm will STILL ring at 0700 instead despite you set the maximum sleep hour to 8.
Within main app, set your own alarm time, maximum hours to sleep and then tap Save Alarm. To get the widget on home screen, long tap on Home screen -> Widgets -> My Own Clock.
Important points to note:
- The alarm time will only be scheduled when you tap the widget. This is needed for the app to re-calculate the alarm time based on the time you sleep by tapping the widget.
The application support English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese display.
</div> <div class="id-app-translated-desc" style="display:none">对于这种奇怪的习惯,睡眠太多时间的人谁也会让你昏昏欲睡,第二天影响您的生活。
在主应用程序中,设置自己的报警时间,最大小时睡觉,然后点击保存警报。要获得主屏幕上的小部件,长按主屏幕上 - >部件 - >我自己的时钟。
- 报警时间才会定当你点击窗口小部件。这是必要的应用程序重新计算报警时间根据你睡觉攻小部件的时间。
该应用程序支持英语,简体中文,繁体中文显示。</div> <div class="show-more-end">